Introducing Helpful Heads

Introducing Helpful Heads – a free peer support service for people with TBI, their whānau and their employers.
A common theme amongst those with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and their support people is the feeling of being misunderstood, isolated or frustrated with the slow progress in their recovery. The complex journey of rehabilitation and recovery is hard to navigate for families and those with the injury, having support from someone who has been through it can be invaluable. Traumatic Brain Injury is often an invisible injury and therefore is even harder to understand for those around us.
We identified the value in setting up a peer support service and in 2023 Laura Fergusson Brain Injury Trust was successful in securing a 12-month Lotteries Grant fund to establish a Traumatic Brain Injury Peer & Whānau Support Service.
Helpful Heads has a growing database of keen volunteers of different ages, from all different walks of life and locations in the Canterbury region who can offer support to those who would like to talk to someone who can truly understand what they are struggling with.
The support may be a simple phone call or text, it could be a coffee and a walk. It may be once a week or just as required. The service aims to find a good fit for everyone, so that practical experiences can be shared and emotional support can be provided.
To learn more, visit the new Helpful Heads website here!